Neuroscience Acupuncture
Neuropuncture is the clinical manual of a groundbreaking acupuncture system that incorporates neuroscience into its clinical applications for pain management, orthopaedic conditions and internal medicine. It shows acupuncturists how to apply research into the neurophysiological mechanisms of acupuncture and electrical acupuncture to the traditional TCM model of healthcare
Neuropuncture is a special system of acupuncture that applies neuroscience and other Western medical sciences, to the classical TCM acupuncture model for understanding it’s mechanisms and to apply these findings to the diagnosis and treatment of pain cases, internal medicine cases, sports medicine and orthopedics. When this is done what is found is an extremely effective approach to modulating the nervous system. From targeting specific receptors for the release of specific neurohormones, in resetting dysfunctional visceral autonomic reflexes, to depolarizing excited overstimulated nerve roots for pain management.
Neuropuncture works by predominately targeting and stimulating specific neuro tissue. 2500+ years go when TCM was being developed and the physicians of that time did not have the understanding and advancements in the study of anatomy and physiology, cellular biology, molecular biology, molecular genetics, and especially neuroscience, as we have had in the past 75 years. When these new scientific models are applied to TCM acupuncture, the Ah-ha light bulb goes on and a lot of the mystery and smoke clears revealing an absolutely amazing neuro-medical treatment modality, the neuropuncture.
Neuropuncture is a unique acupuncture system developed by incorporating the research of the neurophysiological mechanisms of acupuncture, combining research of electrical acupuncture’s effects on specific neural receptors, while maintaining the holistic traditional TCM model.
Neuropuncture develops your credibility, your communication, TCM practitioners should be able to use TCM terms and identify and articulate the mechanisms, to patients and MD’s and other health care practitioners, while reserving our “practitioner language” for, and between our colleagues, and other like-minded individuals. We must also understand the metaphors and where and when they were developed.
Creating treatment protocols that are evidence based and clinically reproducible. Applying western medical sciences to the classical TCM module does not subtract from the efficacy of the “traditional” acupuncture system, it only amplifies and further explains the unique, powerful neuromodulating effects that can be scientifically understood, and harnessed by Neuropuncture’s techniques. From depolarizing affected nerves, targeting specific receptors for the release of specific neuropeptides, to regulating dysfunctional autonomic reflexes.
Curriculum of the course
Neuropuncture Trinity
- 5 Neurophysiological mechanisms
- 5 Neuropuncture Treatment Principles
- 5 Neuropuncture Electrical Techniques
Neuropuncture Acupoints
- Point location
- Needle technique
The Neuropuncture Process
- Neuropuncture Assessment
- Neuropuncture point prescription
- Neuropuncture dosage
- Treatment plan
Case Studies, examples and demonstrations
Science and Research in ElectroAcupuncture (Brief overview)
EA Science - bioelectromagetism theories
Neuropuncture Evidence-Based Protocols. Practice and Demonstration:
- Pain management / Orthopedic Neuropuncture treatment prescriptions:
- Sciatica HNP (herniated nucleus prolapse) with radiculopathy
- Cervical HNP with radiculopathy
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
- Knee pain: Meniscus and collateral ligaments
- Mental health Neuropuncture clinical treatment prescriptions:
- Clinical Depression
- Insomnia
- Tinnitus
Internal medicine Neuropuncture clinical treatment prescriptions:
- Hypertension
- Diabetes Type II
- Immune Support
Practice and Demonstration
Auricular Neuropuncture:
- Ear neuroscience
- Auricular Ear
- Practice and Demonstration
- Protocols
Neuropuncture Body and Auricular Treatment Protocols combined:
- Practice and Demonstration
Neuropuncture Tui Na - Traditional Chinese Bone Setting:
- Cervical Spine
- Anatomy and physiology of cervical spine and upper back including muscles, ligaments and tendons, nerves, and bones.
- Traction
- Rotation