Living in a modern society, we face a new environment, i.e., life speed is rather fast and irregular, food intake is often rich and greasy, consumption of alcohol is a kind of joy, stress and tension is inevitable, biorhythm is rather not obeyed, etc. All these conditions actually could lead to chronic disturbance to the liver in TCM, resulting in sub-healthy consequence.
Liver disorder in TCM refers to either deficiency or excess, and in most cases, excess is what we often see in the clinic, such as liver-qi stagnation, liver-blood stagnation, uprising of liver-fire, hyperactivity of liver-yang, etc.
Dr Sun Pei Lin is auteur van
Management of Post-Operative Pain with Acupuncture |
The Treatment of Pain with Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture E-Book |
Sports medicine in TCM |
Bi-Syndromes or Rheumatic Disorders Treated By Traditional Chinese Medicine |
Understanding, Managing and Treating Female Infertility with Chinese Medicine |
The Treatment of Pain with Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture |
The Pathogenesis and Treatment of Covid-19 and Long Covid With Traditional Chinese Medicine |
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