Hypnoacupuncture combines Acupuncture and medical hypnosis, a method that has also been known for thousands of years.
This fascinating connection potentiates the effect of both methods, which are very effective in themselves! And in times like these, hypnoacupuncture is a relaxing therapy that slows down and regenerates.
Who wouldn't want to quit smoking, regain their ideal weight or be relieved of pain, anxiety or stress? And how could an expectant mother prepare well for the imminent birth of her child?
Medical hypnosis specifically induces a changed state of consciousness, which each of us experiences naturally every day anyway, for example when reading, driving, or watching TV. This opens up access to the subconscious to influence it positively. In this state, some acupuncture points become particularly active and the focus on these points increases the depth of the trance.
Hypnoacupuncture is therefore a very effective and side-effect-free method in both prevention and therapy.
In this course, you will focus on the essentials and you will practice and practise and practise........ so that you can apply hypnoacupuncture to your patients during your sessions.
Hypnoacupuncture combines the two great teachings of traditional Chinese medicine on the one hand and medical hypnosis on the other. It is a bridge, that connects the two teachings and thus enables even more extensive access to the patient. Due to the deep relaxation in the context of hypnosis and trance, the acupuncture points are perceived better and the acupuncture works in a deeper level. The patient can feel one or more acupuncture points particularly well, and additionally experience the meridian course in his mind. And medical hypnosis itself benefits from acupuncture because the patient focuses intensely on the acupuncture points and meridians, so that the whole focus is on the therapeutic session. Therefore, the Five Elements (wuxing) in traditional Chinese medicine, are very well integrated into the medical hypnosis, so the two parts of this treatment
(acupuncture and hypnosis) are firmly connected and unite in a harmonious therapy method.
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