Acupuncture - Balance Method 1 - Local Dr. Richard Tehfu Tan




Si Yuan Balance Method Acupuncture

The source of inspiration for Si Yuan Balance Method Acupuncture is the late Grandmaster
Dr. Richard Tehfu Tan. With due respect to him, Dr. Tan is mentioned whenever reference is made to his inventions in the history of Chinese Medicine.

Following in their Master’s path, Si Yuan Instructors aim at offering the most effective, efficient, and enjoyable teachings in the acupuncture community. Si Yuan classes reflect our Instructors’ own understanding, development, and refinement of what they learned from their Master. As Dr. Tan noted, many practitioners do not confidently integrate the Balance Method in their clinical practice due to a lack of hands-on experience. For this reason, the Si Yuan Balance Method Acupuncture Track offers these progressive training courses : 

  1. Balance Method 1 - Local - AcuCore Module 1 (3 days) 

  2. Balance Method 2 - Global - AcuCore Module 2 (3 days) >>>


1. Local Balance- AcuCore - Module 1 

  • The essential foundation to get instant results on all musculoskeletal pathologies.
  • Dive into the origns of Balance Method concepts and golden rules to aplly them with the best efficacy and precision
  • It provides a deep understanding of Dr. Tan’s Balance Method spirit and concepts.

Structure of the 3 days of lessons.

  • Days 1 & 2 : The teacher Sandra Wilfert, Lic. Ac plays the recording of Dr. Delphine Armand teaching the class and answers all questions from participants, does demonstrations, does all the practical training with the participants
  • Day 3 : Extra day full clinical practice (case studies, needling practice etc)


  • Discover a logical Three-Step Strategy to immediately and effectively treat all localized symptoms such as pain, numbness, stiffness, tingling or burning sensations, etc.
  • Understand the classical origin of Dr. Tan’s famous 6 Systems which tie up 2,000 years of Chinese Medicine into a simple balancing pattern. You will be amazed how scattered concepts suddenly make sense!
  • Learn the “Matrix Analysis Technique” to balance complications using a minimal number of meridians in your treatment.
  • Countless real-life case studies and demonstrations ensure you will have analyzed the most common pain patterns seen in clinical practice.
  • Practice the palpation of Ashi points and insert needles under the teacher’s supervision.
  • Learn the Golden Rules to make acupuncture work consistently.
  • Day 3 = full clinical day

Toelatingsvoorwaarden/conditions of admission

  • Diploma Acupuncture 
  • Acupunctuurdiploma of PGAC 2 & PGAC 3 bij ICZO vzw


  • 24th to 26th of October 2024


  • Thursday: 14.00 – 21.00 h
  • Friday : 09.00 – 17.30 h
  • Saturday: 09.00 - 15.00 h


Dr. Armand Delphine, L.Ac, DVM
Dr. Armand Delphine, L.Ac, DVM

  • She was a disciple of the late Dr. Richard Tehfu Tan for ten years and completed multiple internships in his San Diego clinic, conducted live translations of all his seminars from English to French and coordinated the translations of his books.
  • Since 2008, she has practiced the Balance Method exclusively in her community clinic in southern France.
Wilfert Sandra, Lic. Ac
Wilfert Sandra, Lic. Ac

  • Acupuncturist
  • Internship in Dr. Richard Tan’s clinic San Diego, USA
  • Live translations from English to German of Balance Method and Ba Zi seminars


Het aantal accreditatiepunten verschilt per beroepsverenging en wordt best nagezien bij de betreffende organisatie

BAF, EUFOM , LVNT, NVA , NWP , ZHONG ( punten)


1.5 = Een studiepunt is een binnen de Vlaamse Gemeenschap aanvaarde internationale eenheid die overeenstemt met ten minste 25 en ten hoogste 30 uren voorgeschreven onderwijs-, leer- en examenactiviteiten en waarmee de studiebelasting van elke opleiding of elk opleidingsonderdeel wordt uitgedrukt


630 €


Kom je in aanmerking? zie


Traditional Chinese Medicine Oosterse Gezondheidszorg




  • Continuous coffee break (coffee, tea, water) + sandwich lunch, soup, salad bar, coffee, tea, water)  - Doorlopende coffee breaks (koffie, thee, water) + broodjeslunch (broodjes, soep, saladebar, koffie, thee en water, ....)
  • Free underground parking for your car - Gratis ondergrondse parking voor Uw wagen
  • De organisatie behoudt zich het recht voor om eventuele wijzigingen in het programma en planning aan te brengen.



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