TCM - Application of 13 ghost points in the practice for Shen disorders
Ghost points are very powerful in releasing emotional trauma.
Due to increased life and working pressures and stress, psychosomatic diseases are becoming more and more complicated. Although TCM Shen regulation method is effectively applied in the treatment which has been proven practical and efficient, yet it is not always easy to deal them with this method. In ancient time, some difficulty and strange psychosomatic diseases were considered as caused by “Ghost”. The terms of “Ghost” actually in TCM explains something which is not easy to handle and manage. Fortunately a great TCM physician – Sun Simiao has summarized and established a unique system – 13 Ghost points system in Tang Dynasty for us.
Sun Si Miao (who has also been called “The King of Medicine”) developed the 13 Ghost Points for the purpose of treating mental disorders such as schizophrenia, manic behaviour & neurological disorders such as Epilepsy. In clinical practice, these ghost points are also helpful, in helping patients with long standing emotional trauma that are difficult to overcome
The 13 Ghost Points
The ghost points are 13 points upon the meridian system that an acupuncturists would needle. They are listed below along with their Chinese names.
Gui Gong 鬼宮 – Ghost Palace – DU 26
Gui Xin 鬼信 – Ghost Purity – Lu 11
Gui Lei 鬼壘 – Ghost Heap – Sp 1
Gui Xin 鬼心 – Ghost in the Heart Mind – Pc 7
Gui Lu 鬼路 – Ghost Road – Bl 62
Gui Zhen 鬼枕 – Ghost Pillow – Du 16
Gui Chuang 鬼床 – Ghost Bed – St 6
Gui Shi 鬼市 – Ghost Market – Ren 24
Gui Ku 鬼窟 – Ghost Hideout – Pc 8
Gui Tang 鬼堂 – Ghost Hall – Du 23
Gui Cang 鬼藏 – Ghost Preserve – Ren 1
Gui Chen 鬼臣 – Ghost Official – LI 11
Gui Feng 鬼風 – Wind Ghost – Extra Point
This lecture provides modern practitioners some important explanations about these 13 ghost points, exploring ancient knowledge in modern society. It includes:
Understanding its history;
Clinical functions;
Practical application and their combinations.
Treatment for Tics and Tourette’s syndrome, insomnia, anxiety, palpitations, sweating syndrome, headache, shoulder and neck pain, chest pain, irritable bowel syndrome, tinnitus, depressive and manic psychosis and Zang Dryness syndrome, etc.
Dr Sun Pei Lin is auteur van
Management of Post-Operative Pain with Acupuncture
The Treatment of Pain with Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture E-Book
Sports medicine in TCM
Bi-Syndromes or Rheumatic Disorders Treated By Traditional Chinese Medicine
Understanding, Managing and Treating Female Infertility with Chinese Medicine
The Treatment of Pain with Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture
The Pathogenesis and Treatment of Covid-19 and Long Covid With Traditional Chinese Medicine
Toelatingsvoorwaarden/conditions of admission
Acupuncturisten nog in opleiding (PGAC 2 en PGAC3) bij ICZO vzw
TUINA Therapeuten (minimum Health Care voor BE of Westers Medische Basis voor NL)
Therapeut Chinese Gezondheidszorg (of nog in opleiding PGCG 2 of PGCG 3 bij ICZO-vzw + minimum Health Care voor BE of Westers Medische Basis voor NL)
- Saturday 26 november 2022
Sun Pei Lin, Dr. Ac.
- Acupuncturist & herbalist
- Chinese doctor in acupuncture & TCM - Nanjing TCM University
- Guest Professor of Nanjing Universty of Chinese Medicine
Auteur van diverse TCM-boeken : Management of Post-Operative Pain with Acupuncture + The Treatment of Pain with Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture + Sports medicine in TCM + Bi-Syndromes or Rheumatic Disorders Treated By Traditional Chinese Medicine + Understanding, Managing and Treating Female Infertility with Chinese Medicine + The Treatment of Pain with Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture + The Pathogenesis and Treatment of Covid-19 and Long Covid With Traditional Chinese Medicine
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Sven Steyt: Topdocent !
Klein Hofmeijer Nicoline: goede leraar, met veel kennis
Roost Maria: Sun Pei Lin is een goed verteller. Fijn om informatie te krijgen over de geschiedenis van de ghost points.
Payens Mayke : Sun Peilin is een goed en inspirerend verteller. Hij put veel uit zijn praktische ervaring. Daarnaast kan hij de stof ook geordend en helder brengen. Heel tevreden!
Kuipers Trudy : Goede locatie en lunch. Prettige docent. Vertelt goed. Dag vloog voorbij.
Terwey Madelon : Ik heb geboeid zitten luisteren! Goede levende voorbeelden, humor en inhoud! Ik heb er echt wat nieuws bijgeleerd. Ik ben erg tevreden!