TCM - Allergic disorders
Living in modern society, it is impossible to avoid contacting different chemical materials as well as contaminated air, food and water. In order to reject these harmful materials, the first procedure for the human being is to form allergic reaction. Another phenomenon is that not everybody living our society, who definitely encounters the same environment, is suffering from the same problem.
Both modern medicine and TCM look into this procedure completely different with each other. i.e. the former often apply anti-allergic drugs or even corticosteroid medicine without or less consideration of its side-effects; while TCM views the body as whole entity, considering the interior environment imbalance is the chief pathology.
Allergic diseases include:
- Hay fever
- Asthma
- Allergic sinusitis
- Allergic asthma
- Atopic dermatitis (eczema)
- Urticaria
- Allergy to insect stings and bites, etc.
The course mainly analyzes the pathologies these disorders, followed by TCM acupuncture. Importance of diet and emotions in the occurrence of these disorders are also stressed in order provide the patients a general views of how they these disorders happen and how they should be managed.
First, our practitioner focuses on alleviating the branch symptoms of the disorder: sneezing, running nose, congestion, hives, and digestive problems.
Then, after branch symptoms are contained, or between attacks for seasonal allergies, the treatment strategy changes to treating the 'root' problem: weak immune system and function.
TCM sees the weakened immune system as the crux of the problem. The immune system is not strong enough to fight allergens: dust, mold, pollen, pet dander, chemical or food. In order to fully resolve symptoms, tonification is necessary to build or strengthen immune function so that the system will no longer be overwhelmed by the allergic response to pathogens.
Dr Sun Pei Lin is auteur van
Management of Post-Operative Pain with Acupuncture
The Treatment of Pain with Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture E-Book
Sports medicine in TCM
Bi-Syndromes or Rheumatic Disorders Treated By Traditional Chinese Medicine
Understanding, Managing and Treating Female Infertility with Chinese Medicine
The Treatment of Pain with Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture
The Pathogenesis and Treatment of Covid-19 and Long Covid With Traditional Chinese Medicine
Toelatingsvoorwaarden/conditions of admission
Acupuncturisten nog in opleiding (PGAC 2 en PGAC3) bij ICZO vzw
TUINA Therapeuten (minimum Health Care voor BE of Westers Medische Basis voor NL)
Therapeut Chinese Gezondheidszorg (of nog in opleiding PGCG 2 of PGCG 3 bij ICZO-vzw + minimum Health Care voor BE of Westers Medische Basis voor NL)
Sun Pei Lin, Dr. Ac.
- Acupuncturist & herbalist
- Chinese doctor in acupuncture & TCM - Nanjing TCM University
- Guest Professor of Nanjing Universty of Chinese Medicine
Auteur van diverse TCM-boeken : Management of Post-Operative Pain with Acupuncture + The Treatment of Pain with Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture + Sports medicine in TCM + Bi-Syndromes or Rheumatic Disorders Treated By Traditional Chinese Medicine + Understanding, Managing and Treating Female Infertility with Chinese Medicine + The Treatment of Pain with Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture + The Pathogenesis and Treatment of Covid-19 and Long Covid With Traditional Chinese Medicine
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