Acupuncture Point Combinations for Complicated Disorders
Workshop by David Hartmann
As a Chinese medicine student or practitioner, one of the challenges we face in clinic are patients that present with complicated disorders. If your clinic is anything like mine, then you would face this challenge almost every single day. For the most part, I embrace these challenges. They keep me alert; they keep me learning; they keep me interested in my job.
After 30 years as a Chinese medicine practitioner, I love my job, but some patients really do test my skills. If the patient and I can navigate these challenges, and come out the other side with positive results, it makes it all worthwhile. But sometimes, no matter how hard you and the patient (hopefully) work they just don’t get better.
To minimise the chances of that happening, I do a heap of research on complicated disorders. This has resulted in me accumulating a lot of useful material, which would be beneficial to the Chinese medicine community. That is why this workshop has been written.
The workshop has been divided up into two main themes. The first theme is analysing six complicated disorders and offering acupuncture point combinations to treat. The six complicated disorders are across three categories:
The second theme will analyse complicated disorders that participants enquire about during the workshop (send your disorders to ICZO prior to the workshop). I will try and include as many of these disorders as possible into the workshop.
There is also plenty of dedicated practical time throughout the workshop, where participants can practice what has been taught. If possible, I will also dedicate time to specific participant disorders, thereby allowing for unique treatments in the workshop.
Perhaps most important of all is that participants are shown how to work through the steps for each of the complicated disorders. The obvious benefits being that it gives participants the skills to work out the best strategies for any other complicated disorders seen in clinic.
Het aantal accreditatiepunten verschilt per beroepsverenging en wordt best nagezien bij de betreffende organisatie
BAF, EUFOM , LVNT, NVA , NWP , ZHONG ( punten)
1.5 = Een studiepunt is een binnen de Vlaamse Gemeenschap aanvaarde internationale eenheid die overeenstemt met ten minste 25 en ten hoogste 30 uren voorgeschreven onderwijs-, leer- en examenactiviteiten en waarmee de studiebelasting van elke opleiding of elk opleidingsonderdeel wordt uitgedrukt
630 €
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Traditional Chinese Medicine Oosterse Gezondheidszorg