A Brief Introduction of TCM Sexology
Theory and practical management
In fact a person’s sexual life, which defines their health and happiness, persists through the dark ages and the enlightenment. Truly as Euripides (480 – 406 BC), the ancient Greek playwright, wrote: if one’s sexual life is good, “you think you have everything”. But if things are out of place in that area, “you will consider your best and truest interests most hateful”. In 1942 Philip Wylie wrote that the sex instinct is “one of the three or four prime movers of all that we do and are and dream”.
TCM has always been an important part for sexology in the history of Chinese literatures. TCM sexology includes three main components: sexuality culture, sexuality techniques and sexuality related diseases managements. This seminar will be dealing and illustrating the most important parts in view of TCM sexology.
Chinese medicine has always stressed the importance of excessive sexual activity:
- The distinction between men and women in sexual activity
- Insufficient sexual activity as a cause of disease
When discussing sexual activity, Chinese books never distinguish between men and women. There are substantial differences in the sexual physiology of men and women so that excessive sexual activity is less of a cause in disease in women than it is in men. The reason lies in the nature of Tian Gui.
General introduction
- What is Human Nature?
- What is TCM sexology?
- Physiology of TCM sexology
- Pathology of TCM sexology
- Purpose and some techniques of sexual contacts
- Ancient system of education on TCM sexology
Management of sexual disorders
- Some classic common formulas to improve the sexual drive and potency
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