Living in a modern era with full of different pollution, radiations, chemical products and negative emotions, everyone needs to build up a strong immune system to be able to cope with these environments.
Theoretically the immune system, which is made up of special cells, proteins, tissues, and organs, should defend people against germs and microorganisms properly, i.e. cleaning the toxin, maintaining a good health and preventing infections.
a collection of various cells which act to protect the body from foreign invaders such as microbes, bacteria, particles, and toxic compounds. It is composed of two major categories of cells which are the innate immune reponse (phagocytes, NK cells, granulocytes, and physical barriers) and the adaptive immune response (T and B lymphocytes, which are produced in the bone marrow and lymphatic system).
Once immune system fails to carry out these functions, various diseases follow. Disorders of the immune system could cause either immunodeficiency disorders, autoimmune disorders, or allergic disorders, even cancers.
TCM immunology is based on the theory of Yin and Yang, five elements, Zang-Fu organs and meridian systems, and guided by the theory of TCM syndrome differentiation. Its treatment is also unique, administration of certain Chinese herbs, acupuncture, or following some dietary recipes to beneficial the patients to strengthen the immune system, promote the health, manage some chronic diseases and improve the quality of human lives.
Boosting the immune system refers to allowing the immune system cells to readily do their job
TCM has a long history of health care through combination of herbs, acupuncture and some diet on purpose. Five tastes and natures of herbs are taken into the consideration during this procedure of health care.
In this one-day seminar, common herbs, herbal formulas, acupuncture and some dietary recipes to strengthen the immune system are briefly introduced, demonstrating not only some features of TCM methods, but also the prefunding knowledge and background of this unique way of health care. These common and standard herbs are easy to obtain and prepare, and the dietary materials are also available in daily market. Besides, the preparation of these procedures is relatively simple and practical.
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1 = Een studiepunt is een binnen de Vlaamse Gemeenschap aanvaarde internationale eenheid die overeenstemt met ten minste 25 en ten hoogste 30 uren voorgeschreven onderwijs-, leer- en examenactiviteiten en waarmee de studiebelasting van elke opleiding of elk opleidingsonderdeel wordt uitgedrukt
165 €
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Traditional Chinese Medicine Oosterse Gezondheidszorg
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