Acupuncture - Scalp acupuncture in neurological and orthopedic rehabilitation and pain management




Scalp acupuncture in neurological and orthopedic rehabilitation and pain management.

The workshop is an active learning workshop during which the participants will learn how to combine Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA) with the scalp acupuncture of Dr Jiao Shunfa and Prof Zhu Mingqing in order to maximize and optimize the scalp acupuncture treatment of patients who require neurological and orthopedic rehabilitation and pain management.
In this workshop, participants will learn and practice the needling locations of the three methods of scalp acupuncture and the indications for using the three methods of scalp acupuncture.
The workshop is a clinical workshop and is based on personal clinical experience of 13 years of combining YNSA with Jiao and Zhu scalp acupuncture.


  • Introduction: Fascia as a sensory organ.
  • YNSA (I somatotopy, sagittal somatotopy, and advanced elbow diagnosis.
  • Dr. Jiao Shunfa scalp acupuncture (motor and sensory lines, balance and vision lines).
  • Prof.Zhu Mingqing scalp acupuncture (upper, middle and lower Jiao zones, brain and liver zones, musculoskeletal zones).
  • How to combine pulse diagnosis with diagnostic palpation of the elbow and organs (Ypsilon points).
  • How to combine YNSA with Jiao and Zhu scalp acupuncture into an effective treatment.
  • Clinical application of the three methods of scalp acupuncture in neurological and orthopedic rehabilitation and pain management.
  • We will not be teaching the complete methods of the three scalp acupuncture methods but only what we have found to be very useful and a good starting point when combining them according to our experience.
  • During the workshop we will discuss different disorders in order to understand better the preassembles that have been taught in the workshop.  


  • De opleiding is gericht op het aanleren van technische kennis en & exact-wetenschappelijke kennis en de toepassing ervan in het Postgraduaat Acupunctuur  Hoger Onderwijs en/of als bijscholing hiervan
At the end of the course, the participants will become aware that combining the three methods of scalp acupuncture has synergistic effects and the potential to improve clinical effectiveness of scalp acupuncture treatment. The participants will also acquire knowledge of the different somatotopies of each method and the correct way of using each acupuncture method, and how to integrate scalp puncture into the daily routine in the clinic.
This newly acquired knowledge l should become part of the practitioner's therapeutic toolbox and stimulate the participant to expand his/her existing knowledge on the application of scalp acupuncture with other therapeutic modalities in different clinical settings. 

Toelatingsvoorwaarden/conditions of admission

  • Diploma Acupuncture 
  • Acupunctuurdiploma
  • of PGAC 3 bij ICZO vzw


  • Thursday 05/12/2024
  • Friday 06/12/2024
  • Saturday 07/12/2024


  • Thursday : 15 - 21 h
  • Friday : 09 - 20 h
  • Saturday: 9 - 12 h


Avi Amir
Avi Amir

  • Acupuncturist
  • lecturer specializing in the YNSA scalp acupuncture method
  • He is co-founder of the International School of Scalp Acupuncture




Bomzon David
Bomzon David

  • Acupuncturist
  • lecturer specializing in the YNSA scalp acupuncture method








Het aantal accreditatiepunten verschilt per beroepsverenging en wordt best nagezien bij de betreffende organisatie

BAF, EUFOM , LVNT, NVA , NWP ( punten), ZHONG ( punten)


1.5 = Een studiepunt is een binnen de Vlaamse Gemeenschap aanvaarde internationale eenheid die overeenstemt met ten minste 25 en ten hoogste 30 uren voorgeschreven onderwijs-, leer- en examenactiviteiten en waarmee de studiebelasting van elke opleiding of elk opleidingsonderdeel wordt uitgedrukt


630 €


Kom je in aanmerking? zie


Traditional Chinese Medicine Oosterse Gezondheidszorg




  • Hands-out  to download
  • Continuous coffee break (coffee, tea, water) + sandwich lunch, soup, salad bar, coffee, tea, water)
  • Free underground parking for your car
  • De organisatie behoudt zich het recht voor om eventuele wijzigingen in het programma en planning aan te brengen.



Inschrijven – Registration