Acupuncture - The Five Element Archetypes and Five Spirits
Who Do You Think You Are?
If you were asked to describe yourself in one word, what would it be?
Would you say you were an Adventurer?
What about a Magician?
Perhaps a Saviour?
An Alchemist?
Or maybe a Philosopher?
Welcome to the fascinating world of Five Element Archetypes. Within this archetype system there are five different personality types. One of them will be your ‘Guardian’ or dominant archetype; there will be a second that is your ‘Support-Act’ archetype, and you will be a small part of the remaining three.
These archetypes are not the only system to think about when you are trying to understand people. The Five Spirits (Wǔ Shén) are also an important consideration, because they help further dissect complex individuals. And whilst there is an argument that your archetype doesn’t change in your life (Nature versus Nurture not withstanding), the Five Spirits can change daily, hourly, or even as you are sitting there reading this course description.
Each of the Five Element Archetypes will be thoroughly discussed, along with acupuncture point combination treatments provided. The Five Spirits will also be analysed, including their definition, discussion, and acupuncture point combinations. Essentially you will be given information that can be applied to your clinical, and personal lives immediately.
The training is aimed at teaching technical knowledge and exact-scientific knowledge and its application in the acupuncture training
The value of understanding, and implementing, the Five Element Archetypes and Five Spirits, into your clinic cannot be understated. They give you a greater insight into your patient’s personality – how they operate in their worlds; how they tick! This also aids you in the treatment of your patient’s emotional turmoil, stress and mental health.
Join David for this fascinating workshop. He guarantees you will start archetyping everyone, not just your patient’s.
Toelatingsvoorwaarden/conditions of admission
Diploma Acupuncture (+ in accordance with the required legal prior medical education)
Acupunctuurdiploma (+ In overeenstemming met de vereiste wettelijke medische vooropleiding)
of PGAC 2 & PGAC 3 bij ICZO vzw
of PGCG 2 & PGCG 3 bij ICZO vzw
3 - 4 - 5 May 2024
Friday : 13.30 - 21.00 h
Saturday : 09.00 - 18.00 h
Sunday : 09.00 -13.00 h
Hartmann David
Acupuncturist and Chinese medicine practitioner
Masters of Acupuncture in 2009
Book: 'The Principles and Practical Application of Acupuncture Point Combinations'
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